Recruitment of tourism-specific corpus data collection and purification cloud workers

Announcement name: Recruitment of tourism-specific corpus data collection and purification cloud workers
Application period: 2023.07.31.(Mon) 10:00 ~ 2023.09.04.(Mon) 00:00 
situation: Application deadline
company information
Company Name
UFit Co., Ltd.
company address
A612, 40-36, Sinnaeyeok-ro 3-gil, Jungnang-gu, Seoul
number of workers
Announcement information
Announcement contents
Government-supported project data labeling freelance recruitment
Application period
2023.07.31.(Mon) 10:00 ~ 2023.09.04.(Mon) 00:00
Job information
Recruitment occupation
Recruiting 20 data labeling workers for government-supported projects
Job description
○ Responsibilities

- Labeling: Identify documents and tag objects, properties, and emotions (guide provided)


○ Qualification requirements

- Education: Any

- Experience: Regardless (new employees can apply)

- Adults over the age of 18 who do not require parental consent, have a mobile phone and account in their own name, and can enter into a contract directly.


○ Preferential treatment

-Experienced labeling

- Preference given to current students or graduates of the Department of Korean Literature


○ Working conditions

- Work type: Freelance (business income tax 3.3%)

- Period of employment: Upon hiring ~ December 31, 2023


○ Recruitment manager

- E-mail :

-Tel: 1544-9370

career requirements
No relation
Any educational background
qualification license
No relation
other licenses
No relation
employment type
Freelancer with a fixed term (upon termination of business)
number of people recruited
20 people
Preferential treatment and benefits
preferential treatment
-Experienced labeling

- Preference given to current students or graduates of the Department of Korean Literature

- Laptop and monitor provided (until business end)
Selection method
Deadline for submission
Deadline on September 4, 2023: 24:00
How to apply 이메일 접수
Documents to be submitted
Free-form resume and self-introduction
Recruiter information
인사 담당자
phone number
Cell Phone
· After checking the submitted documents, if the information on the application form is found to be false, acceptance and employment will be cancelled.

· We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, disability, gender, education level, age, etc. when hiring, and preferential treatment is given to the disabled, people of national merit, and veterans in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.